A YOUNG woman from Blackburn is making her way in what is traditionally a man's world, thanks to an East Lancashire training and recruitment programme.

Rebecca Leeming, 21, is completing a Modern Apprenticeship in print origination at Great Harwood-based Boxes Ltd, which manufactures specialist folding cartons.

The former Pleckgate High School pupil beat nine male applicants to the job to become the firm's first Modern Apprentice and one of only a few females working in its print department.

She studied art, design and signwriting at Blackburn College before taking up her apprenticeship, part of ELTEC's XTEND programme.

She said: "Working in a man's world can be tough, but it's all worthwhile. Anyway, thanks to my Modern Apprenticeship I have a good all-round grounding in the print industry, which means I can compete with the best of them."

Phil Ashcroft, origination manager at Boxes Ltd, said he was pleased with Rebecca's progress and the standard of training on offer through XTEND.

ELTEC's training and education development director, Andy Fawcett, said: "XTEND offers all young people, regardless of gender, the opportunity to pursue the career of their choice."

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