HUNDREDS of shoppers signed a petition to back the production of British beef, as more than 30 East Lancashire farmers mounted a protest in Clitheroe town centre.

The farmers spoke to shoppers outside Tesco's and Booth's supermarkets and at virtually every street corner in the town centre. And they were delighted with the support from the public.

"Shoppers were telling us they had been eating beef on the bone for years and that they thought the Government had gone mad," said farmer Tom Robinson, of Slaidburn, who was one of a team which operated on Clitheroe market.

"They were telling us that they, the shoppers, should be allowed to make the final choice."

The protest was organised by the Clitheroe branch of the National Farmers' Union and was one of several held across the North West. Other rallies will be held before Christmas, some on Christmas Eve.

An NFU spokesman said: "Farmers will be seeking support from shoppers to ensure that British beef is bought. Housewives know it is being produced to the strictest control standards.

"The backing given by shoppers in Clitheroe and other parts of the North West has boosted farmers' spirits and also indicates the depth of feeling among customers."

"We hope the supermarket buyers will take note of the public mood and back British farmers."

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