TAXI operators are vowing to stand firm in their battle with the town hall over the increasing cost of safety checks on vehicles.

Private hire firms and black cabs brought Blackburn town centre to a standstill with a lightning protest over the cost of safety checks and increased fees for MOTs.

Seven drivers involved in the two-hour demonstration were arrested at the height of the go-slow, and charged with obstructing the highway.

Drivers' leaders have met with council chiefs in a bid to solve the dispute, but there is no sign of the deadlock ending. And there have been warnings of more go-slows and even surprise strikes in the coming weeks.

Mick Curic, the chairman of Blackburn and Darwen Private Hire Association said: "This is all about the increased cost of licence fees and MOT tests.

"The council stands to make a lot of money out of the drivers and we pay more in fees than any other borough in the area.

"There are 730 private hire drivers in Blackburn and Darwen and if you work the figures out the council stands to make around £200,000 a year from us in fees." Drivers are also angry because operators from other areas pay less for MOT checks even when their cars are tested in garages in Blackburn and Darwen.

Mick Curic added: "There are 42 firms in Blackburn and Darwen and they are all behind this action.

"The association will meet again and decide what further action we will take and it could be anything from go slows to strikes.

"Whatever we decide to do we will decide on together, everyone of the drivers is behind this 100 per cent."

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