WORK is set to start on an £11 million scheme to transform a run-down area of Blackburn.

Housing bosses have agreed in principle to declare Bank Top a renewal area following the success of a similar scheme in Bastwell.

The cash will be used to clear slum areas, improve run-down properties and revamp facilities in Bank Top.

The aim is to improve health and living conditions in the area and promote commercial activity.

Some consultations have already taken place with local residents and a series of public meetings has also been organised.

Blackburn with Darwen Council is now planning to set up surveys of houses in the area to see how much improvement work needs to be done on individual properties.

Each home in the area will also get a leaflet giving details of the council's plans for the area.

More than £11 million of public and private money will be pumped into Bank Top over the next 10 years.

The majority of the cash will be spent on the group repair of terraced properties and £1.2 million has been set aside for the demolition of unfit homes.

The Government Office for the North West is supporting the plans but says more local businesses need to get involved in the project.

But at the public meetings organised by Blackburn with Darwen Council there was little response from the local business communities to the scheme.

Some shopkeepers have expressed concern about the effect of the changes on their businesses.

There is also a split between residents over whether properties should be demolished to make way for new homes.

The town hall is now planning a further detailed survey of views in the area before putting the finishing touches to its action plan.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.