THE person who found my TV licence card and stamps in the Blackburn rent hall, and, as there were a number of witnesses, handed it in, returned later and demanded it so that he could hand it in at the police station.

But of course, he had no intention of doing so. This makes him guilty of stealing by finding.

How such a creature can sleep nights, I do not know. Does it not bother him at all to steal in this way from someone he must have known can ill afford such a loss?

So as he sits in front of his TV at Christmas feeling content that he is licensed he should just remember he stole the money to pay for it from me.

And as vindictive as it may sound and far removed from the season of goodwill, I would be happy to think that his TV set may blow up, or be stolen by some other thief.

MR R NEWSOME, Brothers Street, Blackburn.

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