CHRIS Waddle was today taking steps to bring in two new faces in time for the busy Christmas fixture programme.

The Burnley player-manager refused to reveal details about the targets.

But I understand Waddle has made a fresh attempt to land Gerry Creaney.

The Manchester City striker was a big success during an extended loan spell at Turf Moor earlier in the season, scoring eight goals in 10 starts.

City boss Frank Clark has made Creaney available on a free transfer.

And Clark today confirmed that Burnley have made the player a new offer, adding: "The ball is now in Gerry's court."

Waddle added: "We have got lines open on a few things and hopefully I will be able to bring in a couple of new faces in time for the game against Chesterfield on Friday."

Waddle has made no secret of his admiration for Creaney and Friday's disappointing 1-0 defeat at Fulham has left the manager needing to act fast to reverse his side's slump.

And, while he is aiming to strengthen his squad, the manager is also trying to off-load some players.

Midfielder Damien Matthew was today having talks with Northampton Town boss Ian Atkins about a £60,000 move.

Matthew said: "They are going very well in Division Two.

"I will be disappointed if I end up leaving Burnley.

"I do not want to be seen to be jumping ship."

Waddle added: "Damien asked to leave because he wanted to be in the first team all the time.

"I cannot guarantee anybody that. "He has his shirt at the moment but he had it before and lost it.

"This is the first offer that has come in for him."

Waddle was also trying to seal permanent moves for two fringe players, Nigel Gleghorn and Jamie Hoyland.

Both have finished loan spells at Brentford and Carlisle respectively.

Brentford boss Micky Adams has been impressed by Gleghorn during his time at Griffin Park.

The midfielder is available on a free transfer but a permanent move would mean uprooting his family.

Waddle was today waiting to hear from Adams if a decision had been made over the player's future.

Burnley would be willing to let Hoyland go for around £30,000.

But his contract is up at the end of the season when the defender, who is also the subject of Shrewsbury Town interest, could move on a free.

And Carlisle have signed Manchester United defender Ronnie Wallwork on loan.

Waddle said: "Carlisle are supposed to be interested and we will have to see if we can agree a fee.

"It is pointless having players on decent wages if they are not going to play in the first team. Some players have been here two or three years and sometimes it's time to move on."

The manager also faces losing left wing back Paul Weller for around three weeks.

He was due in hospital today to have a small piece of floating cartilage removed from his knee. Steve Blatherwick, who missed Friday's game with tonsilitis, is expected to return to training this week.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.