A REUNION has been arranged for members of a youth club which match-made dozens of couples in the 1940s and 50s.

One of the many twosomes who met at St Mary's Youth Club, Yorkshire Street, Burnley, and later married were Bill and Dorothy Horrocks, ne Cowell.

Their happy day featured on the front page of the Northern Daily Telegraph in February, 1953.

The youth club, for youngsters aged 14 to 21, was started in 1944 by Father Peter Heaton and ran for 10 years with more than 1,000 members over the years.

Now a reunion is planned for March 7 at St John's Clubroom, Ivy Street, Burnley, and Mr and Mrs Horrocks are expecting at least 120 people.

Mrs Horrocks said: "We used to dance and play table tennis and there would be about 40 people at each session.

"The club met on a Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. There were other youth clubs but our's was very popular because Father Heaton was a big influence and had very strict rules.

"We made a lot of friends through the club and are still in contact after all these years. We are really looking forward to catching up on old times at the reunion."

Already they have had inquiries from Miller Pollard in Zimbabwe and a former leader, Bridget Gavaghan, in America.

Anyone who was a member of the club, which disbanded in 1954, is invited to attend the reunion and tickets priced £2.50 are available from Mr and Mrs Horrocks on 01282 436506.

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