A RECORD number of companies are set to take part in this year's Farnborough International Air Show under the banner of the Consortium of Lancashire Aerospace.

The Consortium has already attracted 25 companies to share its stand.

A planning meeting for companies attending this year's show was held at Northern Technologies, Nelson.

Consortium chief executive Mike Clifford said: "There is a new vibrancy about the industry, certainly when compared with the Consortium's first visit to Farnborough in 1994 when 15 members took part.

"The support and interest we have received this year is incredible. We had to put up the 'stand full' signs early in the New Year, although there is still the prospect of up to 15 more companies taking smaller display spaces.

"While activity within the industry is increasing with new civil and defence programmes coming on stream, it is also extremely competitive on a global basis.

"Our companies realise this and that is why they know it is so important to be seen at major events like Farnborough.

"By joining together like this they can do so cost-effectively."

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