A VISIONARY who developed Britain's first computerised classroom is preparing to outline his image of life in the new millennium.

John Abbott, director of the 21st Century Learning Initiative, will be one of the speakers at a conference dubbed the "forum of the future."

The event will launch ideas on how East Lancashire can develop to rival the UK's major cities by the year 2020.

Delegates from various organisations will attend Tuesday's conference at Ewood Park - Developing a Vision for East Lancashire in 2020 - which has been organised by the East Lancashire Partnership.

Mr Abbott developed the UK's first fully computerised classroom during his time as headteacher of Alleyne's School, Stevenage, in the 1970s.

His role as boss of the 21st Century Learning Initiative, a charitable trust funded by industry and private sponsors, is aimed at developing techniques which will help young people in their ability to become lifelong earners.

Mr Abbott said: "Young people matter enormously to a local community.

"For too long we have thought of them as schoolchildren, and of their learning as something which happens predominantly within a classroom.

"Yet young people have so much energy and idealism to offer that any community thinking about its long-term future has to capitalise on this.

"There is so much that energetic adolescents can do to help improve the environment and the well-being of all the citizens.

"It is nothing short of criminal not to provide real opportunities for them to become highly active and contributory members in East Lancashire."

He will be among seven speakers at the conference which will discuss how to bring together business, schools, colleges, local authorities and community associations under one East Lancashire group.

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