A SCHOOLBOY hurled from a motorbike in a head-on collision has said his crash helmet could have saved his life.

Lucky-to-be-alive Daniel Ridgeway of Park Avenue in Clitheroe, was one of four teenagers involved in the collision in the dark on a dirt track.

The 14-year-olds had been "scrambling" on a private track off the Pimlico link road in Clitheroe when the accident happened.

Daniel, who suffered concussion and a broken foot, believes if he hadn't been wearing a crash helmet and motorbike boots he could have been killed or lost a limb.

And he urged other young bike enthusiasts: "Wear protective gear. It could save your life."

The bikes were driven by Daniel and fellow Bowland High School pupil Michael Braithwaite of Pimlico Road in Clitheroe.

Michael was rushed to Blackburn Royal Infirmary with suspected multiple injuries and underwent surgery to a smashed knee. Daniel was treated for a broken foot and later released, but was readmitted after losing consciousness due to concussion.

Such was the extent of the blow to his head that the pattern from the lining of the helmet had imprinted on his face.

"I stayed on the bike for quite some time after the collision and can't remember much except feeling dazed and the pain in my foot.

"It was the first time I had been out on the bike and all I can say is I was glad my mum made me wear the helmet and boots," he said.

Daniel's mum, Kath, had insisted that her son wear the protective gear as a condition of him buying the much-wanted bike with cash he had saved up.

She said: "I never wanted him to have the bike, but he worked hard for it and I relented when he promised to wear the helmet and boots at all times.It's ironic he suffered head and foot injuries. He could have died or lost his leg if he hadn't been wearing the gear. I'm just glad he listened to me."

Two girls involved in the accident had been riding pillion and were also injured.

Jemimah Walmsley of Henthorn Road in Clitheroe, suffered a broken leg and Carrie Walker of Greendale in Downham suffered minor injuries.

All four attend Bowland High School, where pupils are to be lectured on bike and cycle safety as part of their social studies.

Meanwhile Daniel's mum urged other parents of young motorbike and cycle enthusiasts: "Absolutely insist that they wear helmets and protective gear. Don't take no for an answer. It could save their life."

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