FOLLOWING the cases in the USA - do we really have to copy everything they do - we are going to have a succession of litigants claiming that the tobacco companies should pay them for their present unfortunate condition.

Lawyers representing the claimants are assured by the courts that they will not have to bear the costs should they sue, and they must shortly expect to add another few noughts to the end of bank balances.

I have been a pipe smoker may years and I fail to comprehend how anyone can blame anyone but themselves for what has to be a self-inflicted condition by choice.

If I choke on a chicken bone do I sue the poulterer? If I stick my fingers in the electricity socket and burn, do I sue Norweb for not telling me this is dangerous?

I choose to smoke. I know the risks and no doubt I am stupid in some minds, but there is no way I would attempt to blame some other party.

It really is time to put a stop to the compensation curse in conditions brought about by self-infliction. Stop lining the pockets of lawyers, look at the costs involved and ask who the beneficiaries really are.

T HOWORTH, Carlinghurst Road, Blackburn.

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