MUCH as a minority of people dislike it, the private car is a necessary evil. Anyone who has real concern about the environment would be ploughing money into finding an alternative to the internal combustion engine, not wasting it on trying to raise the dead - the public transport system.

The reasons that this is not happening are somewhat obvious. If someone invented a successful alternative to a petrol driven engine, the country could end up in crisis.

The Government cannot survive without the revenue generated from fuel. Cars have already been developed that run on domestic gas, but a way hasn't been found to tax them yet.

How convenient it is to put a stop on all road building - even more money for the Government and less outlay.

What could be the reason, I wonder, for taxing car parking spaces. Ah, yes, even more revenue for the already overpaid Government from the overtaxed motorist.

Don't be conned by the 'green' message; the only thing green about it is the people that believe it. Empty buses with six-litre engines are not good for the environment.

I thought that the main pledge of the 'New' Labour Government was 'education, education, education.' However, after nearly one year in power, I am beginning to believe that I misheard - what they were really saying was 'regulation, regulation, regulation.'

J T HOTHERSALL, Turkey Street, Accrington.

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