EVERY year more people are diagnosed as having cancer - it has now become the single biggest cause of death in Britain - and need the support of Macmillan Nurses.

This year, Macmillan Cancer Relief and the Blackburn, Hyndburn and Ribble Valley NHS Trust are establishing two more Macmillan Nurses at the East Lancashire Hospice at Park Lee - a hospital support nurse and a nurse who specialises in head and neck cancers.

When you are told that you have cancer you need someone to talk to, someone to reassure you, someone to help you cope with the symptoms and the pain and with the fear.

Your family, too, will need help to deal with the shock, and advice about how best to help you.

Macmillan Nurses do all these things for cancer patients and their families.

You can help the Appeal by sponsoring children taking part in the Macmillan 'Hold Your Tongue Challenge' on March 6; taking part in the Krypton Challenge in May; abseiling for Macmillan in September; asking for information about our Extreme Challenges; being a Macmillan Miler; holding an event; running a raffle; drinking coffee for Macmillan in October; being a volunteer.

These are only a few of the ways you can help. There are hundreds more.

For further information please contact me, Jackie Roberts, the Appeal Manager, Blackburn Macmillan Nurse Appeal, at Park View Building, Queens Park Hospital, Blackburn. Telephone 01254 293008.

JACKIE ROBERTS, Appeal Manager, Blackburn Macmillan Nurse Appeal.

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