FILMS with a blues tint will form the latest attraction at East Lancashire's premier music event.

Organisers of the 10th Burnley Blues Festival have unveiled details of a film festival to run alongside the world class acts which will perform in the town between Saturday, April 11 and Monday, April 13.

The showpiece of the festival at the Apollo Multiplex Cinema in Burnley will be the European premiere of Can't You Hear The Wind Howl, about legendary bluesman Robert Johnson.

Tickets for films will be priced at £3, with further discounts for five-day festival ticket holders at the Lancashire Evening Telegraph backed event.

Among anticipated festival highlights is an appearance by Lonnie Brookes - who starred as a blues singer in a series of TV adverts for Heineken beer - but this is still to be confirmed.

Also lined up are Big Joe Turner and The Memphis Blues Caravan, Memphis Blues star Johnny Rawls and the new queen of the state, Dietra Farr.

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