Mark Templeton Surfs the Net

ROMAN Catholic priest father Jim McCartney is a well-known figure with drug addicts, prostitutes and the homeless.

The campaigning Blackburn clergyman's work for the disadvantaged is also known across the UK thanks to his magazine Edges.

Now his message is being spread further with a web site for his charity, Those On The Margins Of A Society, or THOMAS as it is commonly known.

This is a basic web site but that does not mean it loses any appeal.

Here you can find out all about the work Father McCartney does and the touching tale of how it all started after he met and helped a young prostitute - a story given a lot of coverage by this paper.

There's a link to the Edges magazine, which give fascinating personal histories of people who have come into contact with the priest of St Anne's Church in Blackburn. All in all an excellent site that has worldwide appeal.

Web site: http://www..users.glob

Girls just wanna log on

THESE days you can't go anywhere without hearing or reading about girl power.

So to add to the in-your-face antics of females there's a new web site called ChickClick.

This is a network of girlie web pages and underneath all the "come and have a go if you think you're hard enough" bravado it's actually a pretty cool site with loads of stuff about fashion and items that affect women. There are features galore, plus links to other sites that have female fun bursting from the pages.

Step aside Spice Girls, real girl power rules on the web.

Web site:

Track down a treat

HOW many of you remember the old eight-track cassettes?

You do?

Then you'll love Eight-Track Heaven, a web site dedicated to the machines that disappeared as quickly as they hit the market. This American-based site tells you everything you ever wanted to know about eight-track including their dubious links with the porn industry. You can even download sounds from some of the artists to have had eight-tracks, such as The Sex Pistols, The Yardbirds and Lou Reed.

Web site: http://www.hickory.


Troubles untangled

NOT affiliated with any political group, an interesting site aims to explain and inform the wider net community about progress at the Northern Ireland peace talks.

It assumes no prior knowledge at all, patiently explaining the differences between the parties and their beliefs.

It's updated regularly so whatever is happening with Northern Ireland you'll get to read - and learn - about it here.

Web site:


Worth digesting

ALL your Reader's Digest faves are online - anecdotes from readers, dramatic stories and more than 400 DIY projects with pictures, lists of tools and tips for beginners. They have even created printer-friendly versions, because they know you'll want to print out. Web site:

Tickets on tap

YOU can order most things over the net but never - until now - tickets for pop and rock gigs. You can search by artist name or by venue, and book whatever you want instantly. It's very easy to use and all you have to do is fill in a few details.

Web site:

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.