RESIDENTS on a Blackburn housing estate say they are winning their battle against crime and bad behaviour after fighting back against troublemakers.

Now they want to reward the young people of the Longton Estate by organising social and sporting events.

The Longton Estate Residents' Association organised a crisis meeting last August after complaints from people about youngsters "running riot".

They complained of drug dealers openly dealing on the streets, children as young as 10 getting drunk, attacks on the elderly and disabled and abuse from gangs of teenagers.

Association chairman Alfred Olaiya said things had improved dramatically since the meeting, which was attended by the police.

He said: "There are still problems but now the troublemakers know we will meet them head on. In the past they thought they were untouchable. We have got most of the young ones who were causing trouble on the estate under control."

The group wants to organise sport and social events for youngsters on the estate and anyone interested is invited to a meeting at Accrington Road community centre, Blackburn, at 6.45pm on Wednesday, March 4.

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