A SENIOR policeman leading the hunt for a hit and run driver who left a 79-year-old grandfather lying seriously injured in the road has appealed to the motorist to listen to his conscience and give himself up.

Acting Detective Chief Inspector Mick Gradwell said: "I would appeal to the driver that, having had time to think about it, the proper thing to do is come in and assist with our inquiries."

Pensioner Robert Killaway, of Ashworth Street, Baxenden, remained "stable" today in Blackburn Infirmary.

He suffered a head injury, a broken leg and a broken hand when he was hit by a car, possibly a Toyota, in Manchester Road, Baxenden, close to the Alma Inn at 10.35pm on Monday.

Mr Gradwell said police were pleased by the response from the public to their appeals for information but appealed for anyone who suspects they know the identity of the driver, or the car, to contact Accrington police station on 01254 382141.

He added: "Relatives may notice strange behaviour by the driver, or neighbours may notice that a car they usually see parked outside is no longer there."

Police believe there will be damage to the front of the car, and possibly the windscreen on the passenger side.

They are appealing for garage body shops or anyone offered casual car repair work to get in touch if they are suspicious about a car. Police say all information will be treated in confidence.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.