TWENTY East Lancashire firms have signed up to an initiative to cut industrial waste.

The ELiminate Club, set up by Groundwork, is designed to persuade small and medium-sized businesses that environmental awareness can bring economic benefits.

Each firm has been set an annual target to reduce the waste they produce and improve recycling and energy efficiency.

The scheme is backed by a partnership which includes Groundwork Business Environment Association, the Action for Haslingden Partnership, Northern Technologies and Elben.

Grants are provided by the European Regional Development Fund, the Haslingden Challenge Fund, the Environment Agency and subscriptions from members.

Cotton manufacturers JH Birtwistle and Co Ltd of Grane Road, Haslingden, hope to save £100,000 by the end of the year by reducing waste.

Medex Medical Inc, of St Crispin Way, Haslingden, is also hoping to save £100,000. It has recycled boxes, card, paper and drinks cans for several years and is to invest in a new machine which to packing on clinical products.

There is still room for one more Haslingden firm to join the project. Contact Paul Dumble of Groundwork Blackburn on 01254 265163.

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