I READ with interest your item (LET, February 17) 'On This Day - 5 Years Ago' as it recalled my grave concerns about vandalism and highly unsavoury rubbish on the site of my school.

I am sure you will be pleased to learn of the latest developments.

The month of March will see work start on erection of a secure perimeter fence around Meadowhead Junior School. After many years of lobbying county hall, the Department for Education and Employment and MPs, and both the Education Minister and the Home Secretary, approval has finally been given for this much-needed protection.

As head teacher, I and the governing body of the school have never given up our efforts to persuade the authorities that children aged 7-11 must not be exposed to the dangerous health hazards - discarded needles and dog excrement - caused as a direct result of totally free access to the site.

Approval was actually granted well before Christmas, but the residents of a street close to the school objected to the style of fence originally planned. Some changes have been made and now everyone is happy.

There have been many other improvements to security, including closed-circuit TV cameras and a controlled entry system.

I also wish to thank our neighbours whose constant vigilance has helped to reduce vandalism.

JANET KNIGHT, Head Teacher, Meadowhead County Junior School, Anglesey Street, Blackburn.

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