YOUNG arsonists are being blamed for a blaze at a derelict former school building plagued by security problems.

The latest incident at the old Darwen Moorland Lower School has prompted a neighbour to call for immediate action.

The fire was spotted yesterday by businessman Frank Duffin who in the process of buying the landmark building in Union Street.

Mr Duffin, 35, of Highfield House Farm, Darwen, who would not reveal his plans for the building, was astonished to find smoke pouring out of a window as he toured the site with builders.

He said: "We saw the smoke coming out of the corner and rang the fire brigade. I'm in the process of buying the site for £100,000 but I don't think the fire will hold things up." Darwen Station officer John Phethean said: "We think children may be responsible for starting the fire. Two areas were burning when we arrived. One in the staircase was smoke-logging the whole building. "A more serious one in the attic spread to the roof.

"The building poses a constant security problem for us and we have attended several fires here since it became empty."

Bernard Crankshaw, 40, who lives in nearby Midville Place, called for action to prevent further incidents as he watched firefighters put out the flames.

"People living round here are sick to death of the building. It causes no end of grief", he said.

"There have been countless vandal and arson attacks and the sooner something is done with it the better, even if that means pulling the building down."

A move to demolish the Union Street building three years ago caused a storm in Darwen, prompting more than 5,000 people across the town to sign a petition to save it.

Although Mr Duffin's plans are the the site are still under wraps it has been made clear the building will not be used for educational purposes.

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