THE so-called Leigh busway consultation is just that - not an exercise in offering the people of the area an actual choice between a much needed rail link which they want, or the busway, which they don't.

GMPTE have already decided that the busway will go ahead whatever our views are; and when the busway is given the green light I will predict on thing - Leigh will never get a rail link, despite re-assurances to the contrary.

Why have we not been given details of alternative potential rail links, so that proper consideration by those eventually paying for any link be made?

You won't get any because I have actually tried and Mr Tyson (GMPTE) would not be pleased if you did.

Alternative rail links do exist - using new, re-instated or existing routes (Bickershaw Colliery line/Liverpool and Manchester). However, it doesn't suit GMPTE or its consultants to discuss these because they've already made their minds up behind closed doors.

Derek Bullock

Durban Street


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