ENVIRONMENTAL works in St Helens town centre improving Ormskirk Street, Bridge Street, Brook Street and Milk Street are nearing completion.

Its the first stage of a massive council project which, thanks to Government Capital Challenge Funding, means a number of projects will be completed in three years instead of the planned 15.

Included in the improvements are a narrow bus lane along the centre of Ormskirk Street ensuring bus access into the heart of the town; substantially wider pavements using new, attractive materials; new seating areas; high-quality lighting; and the planting of around 36 semi-mature trees. To ensure safe working and maintain access to properties without rear servicing, work was carried out in continuous phases.

Other schemes scheduled for St Helens under the project include improvements to Westfield Street and Victoria Square; re-building of railway bridges on Standish Street; major upgrading of Atlas Street and its junction with Standish Street; plus the introduction of a traffic safety scheme within Hardshaw Street residential area.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.