LANDLORDS should be allowed to change pubs without reapplying to the courts for a new licence, says Ribble Valley MP Nigel Evans.

He is backing proposals which would split the current licence in two, providing one certificate for the licensee and another for the premises.

This would allow landlords to operate in any licensed premises in the country, unless there were objections.

Mr Evans said the new proposals would cut down on time-wasting magistrates' hearings and police involvement in renewing licences.

He said: "If the potential publican is deemed a fit person to operate a pub, then it is senseless to make them reappear every time they wish to move pubs. "The other licence would be attached to the pub itself and that would mean that local people would be able to put forward their own suggestions as to opening times, children's admission, entertainments and the gaming available."

Mr Evans said the licence would be in force until any fresh applications were made to change the conditions of the pub, and that could come from the holders of the licence, the police or members of the public.

He added: "The Government is currently reviewing licensing laws and I believe our suggestions are the sensible and right way forward. I am sure we can all raise a pint to more flexible opening hours.

"If ever there was a need to change anything, then it is the current jurassic licensing laws.

"Pubs which have a good reputation and do not offer a threat to the local residents should be allowed to stay open longer hours.

"People's work hours are flexible and so should be the opening hours of pubs."

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