JASON Wilcox expects to be fit for the start of the new Premiership season on August 15 despite a surprise hernia operation, writes PETER WHITE.

The need for surgery came as something of a shock for both Wilcox and Blackburn Rovers

For, if it had been thought it was necessary, he would probably have gone into hospital at the end of the season.

But, while he has had a minor problem for some time, it was felt that the summer rest would clear the trouble.

Unfortunately that did not prove to be the case.

"It was something and nothing really, this kind of injury seems to happen to a lot of players these days," said Wilcox who is confident the operation was a success. I've had the problem for some time but an injection seemed to have cleared it up.

"It was thought the break would then sort things out but, strangely, the less exercise I have been doing the more I could feel it. So I went to see the specialist when I came back from holiday and had it done. There's a big year coming up and I didn't want to be thinking about injury problems.

"I couldn't afford for it to crop up again, possibly even worse, during the season and now I should be all right for the start."

Wilcox has joined Billy McKinlay on the rehabilitation road. The Scot had a similar operation but he already knew he would need surgery before going to the World Cup finals.

McKinlay was forced to stand down from Scotland's third game. against Morocco in the finals because of the problem which had also been troubling him for some time. He is continuing to make excellent progress and has not been ruled out of all the pre-season matches.

McKinlay could well travel with the squad to Sweden on Monday week, though not to play in any of the matches there.

He will, however, be able to do some training under the supervision of the fitness staff and will hope to be ready to play in at least one of the build-up games back in England.

England goalkeeper Tim Flowers and Scottish duo Colin Hendry and Kevin Gallacher are unlikely, at this stage, to go to Sweden for the three-match tour unless they are really needed.

All three have been given leave to report back later than the rest for pre-season training.

But if they do stay at home, they will no doubt start work at Brockhall while the squad are away. Having had such a short close season because of the World Cup finals, they should soon be at peak fitness.

Meanwhile, Stuart Ripley looked likely to complete his move to Southampton this weekend after having further talks with the South coast club. Saints agreed a fee of £1.5 million with Rovers some time ago, leaving Ripley to talk over personal terms and make a decision.

Coventry striker and Rovers target Dion Dublin ended speculation about his future by signing a new five-year deal and then admitted: "I did it for Gordon Strachan."

England international Dublin, who failed to make the final cut for coach Glenn Hoddle's World Cup squad, will take home an estimated £1million-a-year.

Arsenal striker Nicolas Anelka is ready to quit the Premiership champions unless he gets a pay rise.

The 19-year-old Frenchman, who failed to win a place in his country's World Cup squad despite playing a starring role in the Gunners' Double-winning campaign, claims he is considering a move to Barcelona.

Rovers Away Travel Club are taking bookings from Monday for both of the away friendlies in England. They are the games at Wolves on Monday, July 27, and Ipswich on Friday, July 31. Both matches kick off at 7.45pm.

Existing Blackburn Rovers season ticket holders are reminded that the last date for guaranteed renewal of their existing seat is today. For further details on season tickets either visit the stadium or call the season ticket hotline free on 0321 one-nil one-nil one-nil.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.