A DRUG-busting team from Clitheroe returned from a conference armed with new ideas aimed at tackling the problem in East Lancashire.

The Drug Abuse in Rural Communities seminar, held in Sheffield, highlighted fresh initiatives in the fight against drug and alcohol misuse.

Three members of the Clitheroe Drug Prevention Partnership (CDPP) signed up for the event which featured a talk by Minister for the Regions Richard Caborn MP.

Mr Caborn drew attention to the need for education to stamp out drug abuse, with improved counselling to reduce health risks and improve safety in communities.

Geoff Jackson of the CDPP said: "The conference will help us to formulate ideas for the future development of drugs-related services for young people in Ribble Valley."

The group was awarded £170,000 in lottery cash last year to pay for projects in Clitheroe, including the development of a cafe and information centre for young people.

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