THE Liberal Democrat members in the North West have selected their team who will lead the party into next year's election battle for the European Parliament.

New arrangements mean that all the existing Euro-constituencies, including Liverpool East, held by Leigh-based Terry Wynn, are being scrapped in 1999, and instead the NW will have 10 MEPs, each of whom will represent not only Leigh, Atherton and Tyldesley, but the entire region of seven million people.

The Lib Dems have chosen the five men and five women to be their prospective candidates and top of the list is Chris Evans, former MP for Littleborough and Saddleworth.

Mr Davies, 43, can claim a strong loyalty to the region. He was born in Lancashire, grew up in Cheshire, has served as a senior councillor on Merseyside and as both councillor and an MP in Greater Manchester.

At present the 10 Euro constituencies in the north west all have Labour MEPs, b ut the plan to introduce proportional representation means that Labour numbers are likely to be halved.

The complete Lib Dem list includes Cllr Flo Clucas, Deputy Leader Liverpool City Council; Cllr Tim Farron, Deputy Leader, Lancashire CC; Cllr Patsy Calton, Stockport councillor; Roger Putnam, fought Cumbria seat in last Euro election.

Also Yasmin Zalzala, leading Lib Dem campaigner in Manchester; Cllr Kiron Reid, Liverpool City Councillor; Kate Fletcher, chair Cheadle Lib Dems; Cllr Mark Clayton and Cllr Jackie Pearcey, both Manchester City Councillors.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.