BOSSES at St Helens Glass have confirmed that up to 71 people are set to lose their jobs at the Corporation Street factory in the next month.

It is claimed that the losses are due to the company's bid to improve the efficiency and outlay and Tom Sykes, managing director for St Helens Glass, told the Star: "The move is part of a number of improvement measures to the company which includes changes in our working practices to get maximum efficiency.

"Approximately 71 people will be involved but we expect voluntary redundancies to cover most, if not all of these positions. However, in addition to the cuts, we will be investing £0.5 million in the company this year which will be used to purchase new computers and other equipment and the future of the company is looking very promising. The move is a step forward, not back."

Paul Trantum, the GMB union representative for St Helens Glass, said: "The mood on the shop floor at the moment is very depressing because everyone is worried that they will lose their jobs but unfortunately, the market is not there for home improvement products at the moment. Bosses have already asked for voluntary redundancies and a few workers have taken this option but we have been told that they will make compulsory redundancies if necessary.

"It is sad but I will say that St Helens Glass have been as helpful as they can be."

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