POLICE are hunting a group of conmen who drove their terrified victim to a bank three times in five days before persuading him to hand over more than £4,000.

Officers today appealed for witnesses into the incidents which they described as a "despicable and calculated crime".

Three men claiming to be builders knocked on the door of the householder in Park Avenue, Great Harwood, and told him his roof needed urgent work.

They produced a letterhead for a non-existent business before spending half an hour working on the roof. They asked to be paid up front and drove him to the Nat West bank, Blackburn, to collect £1,200.

Four days later they approached the man, who is in his 50s, while he was shopping in Great Harwood. They drove him to the Nat West for a second time where he gave them a further £1,250. The following day a fourth man arrived at his home and told him he had been conned. He offered to help him get his money back, but he too drove the victim to the bank and perusaded him to hand over another £2,000.

Inspector Bob Ford, of Great Harwood Police, said the victim had been badly frightened by the conmen who had threatened him with legal action if he did not pay up.

He said: "They are extremely plausible and extremely persuasive. It's a despicable, calculated crime.

"We are dealing with people who will sink to any depth."

Insp Ford urged any other householders who may have been approached by the conmen to come forward.

The men drove off in a white van and a saloon car, which was probably red. Two were in their thirties and the other two were between 45 and 50.

Anyone with information should call Great Harwood police on 01254 884800.

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