THE CLARETS Independent Supporters Association have repeated their call for supporters to boycott all Burnley club merchandise following Ray Ingleby's decision to pull out of the battle to take control at Turf Moor.

Ingleby failed with an offer of £3 million for 20,000 unissued shares which would have given him a controlling interest and also in a bid to gain two seats on the board to reflect his existing shareholding.

And the CISA have responded to the latest development by urging a continuation of the action which they believe will hit the club in the pocket.

CISA chairman Peter Heywood said: "At a time when the club is clearly desperate for funding, particularly for team building, the announcement by Ray Ingleby gave the clearest indications that an EGM will not be announced and that the existing board will do everything in their powers to maintain the status quo.

"Shareholders and supporters will continue to be kept in the dark.

"We are repeating our call for all Burnley supporters not to buy any of the merchandising from the club shops or additional services on match days until Mr Teasdale and his colleagues unconditionally offer two seats on the board to Ray Ingleby who is, after all, the club's largest shareholder."

A section of the Burnley support at Rochdale on Saturday called for Teasdale to step down. However, the board, who did not believe Ingleby's bid reflected the true value of the club, are still waiting developments regarding the Peter Shackleton-led bid for the club.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.