A HIGH-priority package of work is set to go ahead at King George's Hall, Blackburn, aimed at bringing back capacity crowds for standing concerts.

Top chart bands were banned from playing "stand-up" gigs at the venue which has already undergone a £2.5 million refurbishment - because of damage to girders supporting the balconies.

Blackburn with Darwen Council were told by engineers two months ago that all concerts must be all-seater until repairs to rusted steelwork had been completed.

The first phase of works, set to cost £50,000, have been approved by the council's policy and resources committee, which earmarked them as "high priority".

The initial works will account for almost 15 per cent of the council's £350,000 annual corporate repair budget.

The problems came to light during a recent rock concert when many of the 2,000-strong crowd jumped around, causing the building to vibrate.

A council report warned committee members to consider the possible health and safety implications of the problem.

Acts like Robbie Williams, Kula Shaker, Space and Cast, who have all recently played the venue, are unlikely to come to town until the problems are resolved, according to top promotion agency SJM Concerts.

The problems at the venue have not put a complete stop to pop action. Highly-acclaimed indie-rock band Mansun are set to play downstairs in the smaller Windsor Suite in October.

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