MY niece experienced a very frustrating end to a well-earned day out in Blackburn - on the market roof-top car park.

After a happy day out she was feeling good - until she went for her car on the car park. She had put money in the pay machine for two hours or so, but discovered, on her return, a ticket on the car.

So she called the parking officer. She had not a lot to pay, but she had only a Scottish bank note - which he couldn't accept.

A friend came long who offered an English note, but the man said: "Go and get some pound coins to put in the machine or be fined."

An unpleasant incident in what should have been a happy day.

KATH TAYLOR, Hesketh Avenue, Banks.

Footnote: Council market parking spokesman David Marrin asks Mrs Taylor to write to the Director of Legal and Administrative Services detailing her complaint so that further investigations can be made.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.