REGARDING your article (LET, July 18) about the council-backed proposal for a giant sculpture to be erected on Musbury Tor, there is mounting opposition to this idea in the vicinity.

A petition against any form of 'huge sculpture' already has more than 350 signatures.

A short time ago, there was a proposal to put a telephone mast on top of Musbury Tor. This was successfully defeated. It would probably have been less eye-catching than any sculpture.

Musbury Tor is a local landmark, all by itself. It has been sculpted by natural forces. This is the way it should stay.

There must be better ways to spend money which would benefit the population of Rossendale.

Please, leave the beautiful natural skyline of Musbury Tor alone. We look at it every day and never tire of seeing it just as it is - naturally beautiful.


Anemone Drive, Helmshore.

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