IDON'T know about Mrs J Lee being able to help G Smith (Letters, July 20) name a battle that William III won besides the one on the Boyne, but I can.

It's easier to place William in the context of his nationality which was Dutch and the fact that he was fighting the French King Louis XIV, the so-called 'Sun King.'

Although historians, such as Bryan Bevan and John Miller, say WIlliam wasn't as able a soldier as some, at least he was a competent general.

The battles he fought, which were mainly to keep Louis out of the Netherlands, were Seriffe, where he fought to a draw; St Denis, where he outwitted one of Louis' youngest and ablest generals; and Namur, which, though fortified, William won possession of in two months.

Considering how tiny the Dutch Netherlands were and the fact that problems of cowardice, incompetence, indiscipline and a complete disregard for orders were prevalent in the Dutch army, I think that, as a soldier, though not as a humanist, you have to give William credit.

After all, had the French won in the Netherlands, a United States of Europe would not now be up for discussion.

DUNCAN McVEE, Robin Bank Road, Darwen.

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