REGARDING the proposal for a millennium sculpture on the Tor at Helmshore, I strongly object to the idea.

As Len Dickenson, of the local residents' association states (LET, July 18), it was not so long ago when the planning application for a communications tower was submitted that local opinion strongly opposed it for being a blight on the landscape - and quite rightly so.

This sculpture would be no different and it appears that some people in Rossendale have extremely short memories.

The idea of celebrating the millennium with a Christian theme is an excellent one. However, I do not feel that erecting a sculpture, of any description, really is an appropriate way.

All it seems to suggest is looking for a project that will attract some form of grant and we need look no further than the ongoing saga of Bank Street, Rawtenstall, to see what results that produces.

If the churches in Helmshore want to celebrate in a truly Christian manner, then, surely, they must look at some form of practical action. One suggestion could be to sponsor a project or village in a Third World country. They may have a scheme to install a clean water supply, a proper sewage system, build a school, perhaps a programme to inoculate against childhood diseases or even support a prisoner of conscience.

Other churches within Rossendale already support such projects abroad and I am sure everyone involved on all sides can see and appreciate the benefits.

For those in Helmshore who call themselves Christian, surely, this would be a practical demonstration of their faith to the rest of the community. It would be an ideal opportunity to show they are not the 'closed shop' group which they are sometimes perceived as.

Furthermore, it would give Helmshore as a whole a chance to come together and work towards a common and extremely worthwhile aim.

J SIMPSON, Rossendale. (Full name and address received).

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