A MULTI-million pound nightclub plan for a derelict foundry in Burnley town centre looks set to be approved after further talks between council officers and the developer.

Councillors granted permission to officers to negotiate with former nightclub boss Michael Cookson about his project to develop Proctor's Mill on Hammerton Street into a hotel, restaurant, pub, nightclub, two recording studios, penthouse flat and cafe.

The eyesore building has been top of the council list for redevelopment for many years.

Coun Enid Tate said she was concerned that users of the facility might park on the Town Hall car park, causing problems for employees the following day.

Burnley Council is currently considering making the town hall car park available for shoppers to use.

Officers will be discussing with Mr Cookson about the plan for 20 staff car parking spaces.

Councillors said these should be reduced to save felling trees and be used by hotel guests rather than staff.

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