THE head of Burnley's troubled council house repair team, Fred Gurnsey, has been suspended on full pay under the council's disciplinary procedure.

Councillors have been told it is not possible at present to give any further details of the allegations surrounding the Burnley Maintenance Services Manager because to do so might prejudice the disciplinary process.

The announcement comes in a letter to all members of the council from Director of Community Services Ian Saville, who says the suspension on full pay is in accordance with the disciplinary procedure and is not a form of disciplinary action.

The move comes five weeks after the council announced Burnley Maintenance Services was likely to have made a "significant trading loss" for the year ended March 31.

Last week Mr Saville said the final figure still had to be resolved but that it was likely to be a five figure and not the six figure sum earlier feared.

Councillors were told chief executive, Roger Ellis, had ordered an investigation into the trading performance of the 40-strong works team and why the matter had not been fully highlighted to members earlier.

In his letter to councillors, Mr Saville states: "You may be aware that I have been conducting an investigation into the trading position of BMS.

"Another issue has now come to light which has necessitated the suspension on full pay of Fred Gurnsey, the Burnley Maintenance Services Manager."

Mr Saville was not available for comment today but a town hall spokesman said that although a press release on the matter would be issued later today, it was not the council's policy to name staff who were subject to disciplinary procedures.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.