NEW ZEALAND Test player Mathew Hart retired sick on 91 in the Wigan versus Saints fixture on Saturday by which time St Helens bowlers and fielders were equally sick of the sight of him especially since he recovered sufficiently to return and take his score to 107 not out. Cashman was lucky to survive a dropped catch and went on to make 54 out of a Wigan total of 220-8 declared. Subu Banerjee was the most successful bowler with an excellent spell of 19 overs taking 7 for 58.

In an attempt to find a successor to Phil Roughley, Banerjee was asked to open the batting but the experiment was not a success with both openers back in the pavilion for seven runs. Roger Burrows (32) and Darren Tyms (30) steadied the ship and with the help of Ian Mackus (14) Gareth Davies (27 not out) and Adam Friar (10 not out) saw St Helens home for a draw. The season has now reached a critical stage with two games remaining both of which must be won to stand a chance of a place in the Premier Division next season.

The second team lost at home to Wigan after a good start by Lawless (29) Lowe (25) Bass (25) and Cadel (21). The final score of 135 all out was easily passed by the visitors for the loss of only three wickets all of which fell to Paul Keenaghan (3-38).

The third team had a mixed weekend which saw them lose on a spiteful wicket at Wallasey but redeem themselves with a home win against Formby on Sunday. Captain Brian Holmes (6-46) and Daniel Massey (4-45) shared 36 overs but perhaps the end justified the means with Formby bowled out for 124. On the resumption Elliot (14) Massey (25) Alan Sheppard (33) and Mark Malone (16) were the main scorers but with eight wickets down runs became hard to get and it was left to Holmes (7 not out) and Dennett (8 not out) to edge the runs for victory and keep the side in with a chance of the league title.

The first team entertain Huyton on Saturday and you can enjoy a buffet Sunday lunch with entertainment while watching the third team on Sunday.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.