BLACKBURN Hawks player/coach Bobby Haig is still reeling after last weekend's 7-5 reverse at home to Solihull, but has vowed to take revenge on foreign soil on Sunday.

Haig is confident that with a full week's training under their belt Hawks will come back from this weekend's double-header with two reasons to celebrate.

They face Wightlink on the Isle of Wight on Saturday (face off 5.30pm) and at Solihull on Sunday (7pm) and with no injury headaches are throwing a full 20-strong squad in for the side.

"Last week's result was not a true reflection - we'd only had the squad together for about a week, and Solihull had six or seven games on us, and their squad is virtually the same as last year - ours is almost completely new,' said Haig.

"Now we've had another week in training it will be a different story."

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