FURTHER to Andy Dineen's comments (Letters, August 19) concerning the 'bail' hostel in Clayton Street, Blackburn, the whole episode is a worrying commentary on the state of local decision-making by Blackburn with Darwen Council.

It is now clear that the original decision to approve the siting of the above establishment was based on the understanding that it was merely a bail hostel. It is not.

The nature of the proposed establishment is clearly outlined in the report by the council's own planning officials which makes clear that it is also intended for those on probation and on licence from prison.

That this very important distinction escaped the notice of the planning sub-committee is a matter of concern. In ratifying the decision, Councillor Andy Kay vigorously repeated the above misunderstanding in persuading his colleagues of the merits of the proposal, and he was quoted accordingly in the Lancashire Evening Telegraph. Chairman Coun Frank Connor did not intervene at any point to correct such an obvious error.

We can only surmise, from this incompetent state of affairs, that councillors had not bothered to read the report.

Since then, some councillors have had the integrity to admit that this was the case. We have yet to hear from Coun Kay, or from Coun Connor. Having, therefore, not read the report before they made their decision, councillors could not have fully appreciated the reasons underlying their own officials' recommendation that such an establishment ought not to be located in an area very close to two local schools, a youth club, and a Salvation Army hostel dealing with vulnerable people.

In the light of these circumstances, and given that the council's own officers - the people who have investigated this matter thoroughly and listened to the concerns of those involved - recommended that the application be rejected, we are in the worrying position whereby important local decisions are made by people who not only do not bother to fully inform themselves of the matter in hand, but also then reject the advice of those who are in a position to know.

What a commentary on the quality of leadership that our new council provides! It is high time Coun Kay and Coun Connor replied to growing public concern with regard to this matter.

S PRESTON, Cheltenham Road, Blackburn.

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