A BADLY injured driver was trapped for more than an hour as firefighters worked to cut him free from the wreckage of his car.

James Pickup, 19, of Townfield Avenue, Worsthorne, Burnley, was taken to hospital suffering from multiple injuries, including fractures to both legs, his right arm and pelvis.

The accident happened in Brownside Road, Worsthorne, near to the Thornton Arms pub, at about 10pm.

Police said Mr Pickup lost control of his Ford Escort on a left hand bend as he was travelling towards Burnley and skidded on the damp surface into the path of another Ford Escort driven by Stephen Eastwood, of Sycamore Avenue, Burnley. Mr Eastwood suffered whiplash injuries and shock.

A front seat passenger in Mr Pickup's car, Philip Astin, also 19, of Crookhalgh Avenue, Worsthorne, suffered facial cuts.

The road was closed for more than three hours.

Mr Pickup received treatment from paramedics and a doctor as firefighters tried to cut him free.

The roof of the car was cut back to give the rescuers more room in which to work.

Station Officer Paul Harvey said: "The front of the car had been pushed right back, trapping the driver from the chest down.

"It took a lot of cutting and spreading to get him free.''

Mr Pickup and Mr Astin were both detained in Burnley General Hospital where their condition today was described as stable and comfortable.

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