VANDALS have targeted the home of a motorcyclist who is fighting for his life in hospital after an horrific crash.

Stephen Baron, 51, of Carnforth Close, Blackburn, suffered serious back and chest injuries when he was thrown from his motorbike in the smash involving a 17-ton lorry at Preston New Road, Mellor Brook, on Friday morning.

Mohammed Ali Hussain, 29, of Reedley Road, Reedley, died when his car was in collision with the lorry and then the motorcycle.

Now thugs have added to Mr Baron's family's distress by trying to break into his empty flat on the Fishmoor Drive estate while he is still crtically ill in hospital.

And friends and neighbours have been told that he may be billed for the repair work done by the council once he is on the road to recovery.

Friend and neighbour Fred Kaczalski said: "This is just typical of the mindless thugs on this estate. They hear about Stephen's accident and know he is going to be in hospital for a long time so they try to break into his flat.

"Youngsters round here have got no respect -- what kind of person breaks into a man's flat while he is fighting for his life in hospital.

"Council workmen have been and boarded up the door where the glass has been smashed, but they said that Stephen may have to pay for the glass to be replaced.

"Nobody knows how long Stephen is going to be in hospital for, so now we are having to move everything valuable out of his flat."

Mr Kaczalski lives in nearby Broughton Close and said he has been the victim of young vandals on the estate as well.

He said: "Two weeks ago a joyrider crashed into my house -- he'll probably only get a slap on the wrist, but it is me who will have to pay for the damage.

"I've caught youngsters throwing bricks at my windows, and if they smash the glass then I'll be out of pocket.

"This area is getting worse. There are more houses boarded up than lived in. You might hear rosy stories about this estate but it is a totally different thing living here. Stephen's flat getting broken into just proves it."

Phil Richards, director of housing and neighbourhood services for Blackburn with Darwen Council, said: "It is unfortunate that Mr Baron does appear to be the victim of opportunist thieves on this occasion and we wish him well on his recovery and we will do everything we can to help him as his landlord.

"But I disagree with the idea that this is indicative of problems in the area. An awful lot of work has gone on with community groups, the police and other agencies including the housing department, and that work is paying dividends." "There is a strong community feeling in the area thanks to many people living there and their work to improve their lives and locality."

Mr Richards said that the recent crime audit carried out by the council and the police showed a reduction in crime in the area, and they are working with the community to decide what re-developments should take place on the estate.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.