GRANTS are available to help improve the appearance of commercial properties on two of the main roads into Burnley.

Owners in Accrington Road and Colne Road, Burnley can now apply for "Gateway grants'' to improve the front of their buildings.

A new project, Gateway Routes, will make £130,000 available over the next three years to help business people in certain areas give their properties a facelift.

The grants are being made available through Burnley's Challenge Fund through the project developed by Burnley Council's economic development unit.

Economic development officer Claire Parker said improvements to properties in Burnley town centre over the past two years through the commercial sector improvement scheme showed a vast difference could be made.

All commercial and retail properties fronting the two roads with the exception of pubs, banks, hotels, guest houses, nursing homes and petrol stations, can apply for grants of up to 80 per cent of the cost. Work covered by the grants will include replacement of shop fronts, external painting and signwriting, stone cleaning, pointing, replacement of first floor windows, new guttering and downpipes, installation of approved security grilles and roller shutters.

Coun Tony Harrison, chairman of Burnley's economic and property committee said: "These two areas have suffered from lack of investment. The council is committed to try and improve commercial buildings."

The economic development unit now trying to get money to extend the scheme to Padiham Road, Burnley, and Burnley Road, Padiham. Businesses should phone 01282 437411 for details.


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