A NEW series of boardroom briefings for East Lancashire managers has been unveiled.

The series, organised by ELTEC, is aimed at helping middle and senior managers get to grips with the latest techniques to run their businesses better.

Topics for the 1999 series include creative problem solving and branding.

"The briefings are both innovative and interesting, offering inspiration and advice to senior staff to help them develop both themselves and their business," said Paul Heald of ELTEC.

The next briefing will be held at ELTEC's offices at Clayton Business Park on January 21.

The briefing, by Mark Briegal, will look at the 'intellectual capital' of an organisation - the knowledge and experience of its staff.

"Mark runs his own very successful training company and has a wealth of experience and knowledge gained while working with firms like NatWest Bank and Chase Manhattan."

The cost for each briefing is £50 and places can be reserved by contacting Rob Carder on 01254 301333.

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