A FIRE-hit factory in Rossendale has been officially re-opened following a major refurbishment.

Siddall and Hilton Springs Ltd, a major supplier of spring units to the bedding industry for nearly 80 years, suffered a devastating fire at its Water factory in November 1997 and had to move its operation while repair work was carried out.

At the re-opening were the Mayor and Mayoress of Rossendale Coun Mollie Disley and Mrs Mary Lynch.

Children from Water School, just across from the Burnley Road East factory, sang at the re-opening event including "At half past three we go home for tea'' and "London's Burning''.

Ashley Robinson, works manager, said: "The company has always had a close relationship with the local community and this event gives us the chance to say thank you to the friends and neighbours who have helped us over the past 14 months following the devastating fire.''

John Laycock, managing director, escorted guests around the new offices to view an exhibition of historical photographs and a video presentation about the organisation which makes a range of springs and ancillary components for the bedding and upholstery trades.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.