A FORMER heroin addict who threatened and attacked a pregnant woman is awaiting sentence.

Julie Clancy, 34, of Glenroy Avenue, Colne, was bailed until February 19 for a pre-sentence report.

Clancy was found guilty by a jury of witness intimidation and common assault. She was cleared of theft.

Clancy had denied all three allegations at Burnley Crown Court.

The prosecution alleged Clancy had stolen a body spray last January.

She was then said to have tried to get a witness to the alleged offence to withdraw her statement and assaulted her.

The woman was five months pregnant at the time.

Roger Baldwin, defending, said Clancy had a large number of shoplifting offences on her record. She was still trying to recover from a heroin addiction.

He said Clancy had recently completed a three week detoxification programme at Gisburne Park Hospital, and was due to start a rehabilitation course.

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