A BURGLARY victim was attacked as the man who had raided his house tried to drive off in his car, a court heard.

Dale Barrett, 29, who had broken into the man's home in the early hours, bit him twice and tried to poke his eye out, Burnley Crown Court heard.

Sending him to prison for four years, Judge Raymond Bennett said recent statistics showed Burnley had a huge crime rate for burglary - higher than in Blackburn and Hyndburn.

He added that had Barrett gone to trial, he could not have expected a sentence of less than five years, but he had pleaded guilty. The judge added Barrett had an "appalling record."

Barrett, of Southey Street, Burnley, admitted burglary and wounding.

Anthony Cross, defending, said much of Barrett's offending was stealing flagstones.

This was his first "proper burglary." Barrett had gone into the yard of the house, seen a wallet on a windowsill and taken it, along with car keys.

Barrett had a drug habit and was anxious to rehabilitate himself. He accepted he must go to custody.

Mr Cross said Barrett had been in custody since the offences and urged the judge to pass as short a sentence as was consistent with public duty.

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