A POP-IN police station opens in Burnley next week in a move to bring policing into the heart of the community.

The former council house in Cornel Grove on Burnley's West End estates will be used as a Community Partnership Centre.

The move follows a link-up between Burnley council, police and Burnley Mediation Service.

And one of its key priorities will be to enable the police to develop even closer links with the community.

Sgt Jim Masterman of Burnley police commented: "This is a facility for the whole of Burnley and it provides us with the opportunity of returning policing to the heart of the community."

It is hoped a paid co-ordinator for the service will be appointed in the near future.

A council spokesman said the project represents another example of partnerships being created to provide more accessible and responsive services.

Residents will be able to drop in to meet community police, although there are no plans at present to offer specific opening hours.

The police are conscious of the need to strike a balance between spending time at the centre and being out on the beat, he added.

The building includes an office for the mediation service and also a meeting room.

Burnley Probation Service will use the premises for client interviews.

Other agencies have also expressed interest in making use of the facilities.

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