FIREFIGHTERS in Accrington were hoping to spark public support todayover proposed budget cuts.

A 10-strong retained crew and engine at the town's fire station are among a number of services facing the axe when fire authority chiefs hold a crunch meeting next week.

The team was set to collect signatures for a petition in the town centre to back their case.

The meeting on Mondaywill determine the budget for next year, with fire chiefs asked to spend just under £40 million.

They claim an extra £4 million is needed to keep services at current levels and a £2 million savings list has been drawn up.

Options include the closure of Oswaldtwistle station and the axing of part-time retained crews at Padiham, Colne and Barnoldswick, as well as Accrington.

Firefighters union bosses warned this week they could call for strike action if any full-time staff are axed.

Hyndburn MP Greg Pope, who is to meet Combined Fire Authority chairman Bob Clark, said: "I am worried about the prospect of the town losing an engine.

"I hope to visit Accrington fire station soon to hear the views of the firefighters."

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