HOUSING chiefs have been given top marks by council tenants in a survey to rate the services they provide.

A questionnaire was sent to all of Hyndburn's 3,918 council properties following a town hall decision to retain control of the borough's housing stock last August.

Tenants were asked to comment on issues including repairs, information and housing benefit services.

The survey was part of a consultation process promised by council chiefs who rejected the sale of properties to a private company and retained responsibility for repairs.

They are keen to involve tenants in future schemes and hear suggestions for improving the service.

The council is set to draw up an action plan after the Government announced it will receive more than £2 million to spend on its housing programme in the next budget.

Of the tenants who responded to the survey, 95 per cent rated housing services staff as polite and courteous.

A total of 87 per cent believed they were properly consulted on housing matters, while 84 per cent felt the benefits service was well run.

More than 80 per cent of tenants were happy with rent levels and 79 per cent described themselves as 'pleased' with the repairs service.

Council bosses have vowed to investigate every comment and a small number of complaints they received.

Housing services chairman, Coun Clifford Westell, said: "I am really pleased that tenants have confidence in the service we provide. The council is committed to improving all its services."

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