AN "insecure" father-to-be who attacked his pregnant girlfriend and threw her outside, has had his jail term cut.

Sean Barbour, 28, pushed the woman against a fireplace, punched her in the face, butted her and slapped her.

He then dragged her by the hair before throwing her out. At the time, his partner - the mother of his toddler - was 34 weeks pregnant, Burnley Crown Court heard.

Barbour, of Glebe Close, Accrington, was originally sent to prison for six months by Hyndburn magistrates but has now had his sentence reduced to four months.

Recorder Robert Marks, sitting with two justices, said what Barbour had done was quite disgraceful and an appalling catalogue of violence by a man with an appalling record.

He told the defendant, making his 26th court attendance: "To attack a woman in any circumstances is bad enough, but to do it when she was heavily pregnant is really quite disgraceful." He added, however, that Barbour had been given the maximum sentence by magistrates, who should have taken into account his guilty plea and the fact his girlfriend had not been prepared to give evidence against him.

Barbour had admitted assault and criminal damage and appealed against sentence.

Aftab Karwar, prosecuting, said Barbour had been out drinking with friends before the assault.

Julie Taylor, defending, said Barbour's partner had been visiting him in prison and writing to him.

Their relationship had been stormy. Barbour's girlfriend had recently given birth to their second child.

Barbour had very great difficulties in his background and was insecure. When he got into a relationship, he was over possessive and turned to alcohol.

He now recognised he had a drink problem and had been to Alcoholics Anonymous of his own volition.

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